
Hola, aki les dejo links de descargas de cosas que tengo subidas en la web, espero que les sirva:

Descargas para Windows 7:

Visual Studio Trial

Windows 7 SDK

Kit de entrenamiento Windows 7

Windows API Code Pack

Documentación MSDN


Por esta parte encontrarás alrededor de 52 videos de Silverlight (están en inglés por si acaso), muy ilustrativo los cuales espero te sirvan:

1.- «Hello World» with VS and Blend = MT_B2_HelloWorld
2.- Anatomy of a Silverlight Application = MT_B2_Anatomy
3.- The Visual Studio Environment = MT_B2_VSEnvironment =
4.- The<asp:Silverlight> Control = MO_B2_SilverlightControls =
5.- Controls – What’s In the Box? = MT_B2_Controls =
6.- Why Controls have a Content Property = MT_B2_ContentControls =
7.- Width, Height, Margin, Padding, Alignment = MT_B2_MarginsEtc
8.- Laying out Content with Grid = MT_B2_GridLayout
9.- How to Use a GridSplitter = MT_B2_GridSplitter =
10.- Laying out Content with StackPanel = MT_B2_StackPanelLayout =
11.- Laying out Content with Canvas = MT_B2_CanvasLayout =
12.- Embedding Video and Audio = MO_B2_MediaElement =
13.- Handling Media Events = MO_B2_MediaElement2
14.- Simple Data Binding of UI to .NET Classes = MT_B2_SimpleBinding =
15.- List Based Data Binding = MT_B2_ListBinding
16.- Data Binding UI to .NET Classes with Converters = MT_B2_BindingWithConversion
17.- Using Custom Types in XAML = MT_B2_CustomTypesInXaml
18.- Applying Simple Styles to Control Look and Feel = MT_B2_SimpleStyles
19.- Templating a Simple Button Control = MT_B2_SimpleTemplating
20.- How to Build a Simple User Control = MT_B2_UserControl =
21.- Controlling Animations & Storyboards = MT_B2_Storyboards =
22.- Accessing resources from XAP/DLL/Site = MT_B2_ResourcePackaging
23.- Asynchronous Downloads with the WebClient Class = MT_B2_WebClientAsyncHttpDownload
24.- Asynchronous Uploads with the WebClient Class= MT_B2_WebClientAsyncHttpUpload
25.- HTTP request with HttpWebRequest = MT_B2_HttpWebRequest
26.- Making Requests Cross-Site to Another Domain = MT_B2_CrossSiteCalls
27.- Making Calls to Web Services = MT_B2_WebServices =
28.- Calling Web Services over HTTPS = MT_B2_HttpsWebServices
29.- Using Sockets = MT_B2_Sockets
30.- Using File Dialogs & Files from the user = MT_B2_FileDialogsAndFiles
31.- Using Isolated Storage for Application Data = MT_B2_UsingIsoStore =
32.- Accessing and changing Isolated Storage Quotas = MT_B2_ExpandingIsoStore
33.- Modifying the HTML DOM from .NET Code = MT_B2_SLModifiesDOM
34.- Calling Javascript Functions from .NET Code = MT_B2_JsCallsNet
35.- Calling .NET Functions from Javascript Code = MT_B2_NetCallsJsFunction
36.- Handling .NET Events in Javascript Code = MT_B2_JSHandlesNetEvent
37.- Handling HTML DOM events in .NET Code = MT_B2_NetHandlesDomEvent =
38.- Evaluating Javascript from .NET Code = MT_B2_JsEval =
39.- How to Pass Initial Parameters from the web Page = MT_B2_InitParams =
40.- How To Display A Custom Splash Screen = MT_B2_SplashScreen
41.- Reading/Writing XML with LINQ to XML = MT_B2_XmlReadingWriting
42.- Dynamically Loading Assemblies/Code = MT_B2_DynamicLoadingOfCode
43.- The <asp:MediaPlayer> Control = MO_B2_ASPMediaPlayer =
44.- More on the <asp:MediaPlayer> Control = MO_B2_ASPMediaPlayer2 =
45.- Loading Media at Runtime = MT_B2_MediaAtRuntime
46.- Hosting an Application on Silverlight Streaming = MT_B2_SilverlightStreaming =
47.- Using Multiple Threads with the BackgroundWorker = MT_B2_BackgroundWorker =
48.- Making Use of Custom Fonts = MT_B2_CustomFonts =
49.- Getting Started with MultiScaleImage (DeepZoom) = MO_B2_MultiScaleImage =
50.- Getting Started with the DeepZoom Composer = MO_B2_DeepZoomComposer
51.- Getting Started with the DataGrid = MT_B2_DataGrid1 =
52.- Insert, Update, Delete with the DataGrid = MT_B2_DataGrid2

1.- «Hello World» with VS and Blend

2.- Anatomy of a Silverlight Application

3.- The Visual Studio Environment 

4.- The<asp:Silverlight> Control

5.- Controls – What’s In the Box?

6.- Why Controls have a Content Property  

7.- Width, Height, Margin, Padding, Alignment 

8.- Laying out Content with Grid

9.- How to Use a GridSplitter

10.- Laying out Content with StackPanel

11.- Laying out Content with Canvas

12.- Embedding Video and Audio

13.- Handling Media Events 

14.- Simple Data Binding of UI to .NET Classes 

15.- List Based Data Binding

16.- Data Binding UI to .NET Classes with Converters

17.- Using Custom Types in XAML

18.- Applying Simple Styles to Control Look and Feel

19.- Templating a Simple Button Control

20.- How to Build a Simple User Control

21.- Controlling Animations & Storyboards

22.- Accessing resources from XAP/DLL/Site

23.- Asynchronous Downloads with the WebClient Class

24.- Asynchronous Uploads with the WebClient Class

25.- HTTP request with HttpWebRequest

26.- Making Requests Cross-Site to Another Domain

27.- Making Calls to Web Services

28.- Calling Web Services over HTTPS

29.- Using Sockets

30.- Using File Dialogs & Files from the user

31.- Using Isolated Storage for Application Data

32.- Accessing and changing Isolated Storage Quotas

33.- Modifying the HTML DOM from .NET Code

34.- Calling Javascript Functions from .NET Code

35.- Calling .NET Functions from Javascript Code

36.- Handling .NET Events in Javascript Code

37.- Handling HTML DOM events in .NET Code

38.- Evaluating Javascript from .NET Code

39.- How to Pass Initial Parameters from the web Page

40.- How To Display A Custom Splash Screen

41.- Reading/Writing XML with LINQ to XML

42.- Dynamically Loading Assemblies/Code

43.- The <asp:MediaPlayer> Control

44.- More on the <asp:MediaPlayer> Control

45.- Loading Media at Runtime

46.- Hosting an Application on Silverlight Streaming

47.- Using Multiple Threads with the BackgroundWorker

48.- Making Use of Custom Fonts

49.- Getting Started with MultiScaleImage (DeepZoom)

50.- Getting Started with the DeepZoom Composer

51.- Getting Started with the DataGrid

52.- Insert, Update, Delete with the DataGrid


Aquí les dejo el link para que se descarguen el Virtual PC 2007:

Virtual PC 2007 x32

Virtual PC 2007 x64


Con este complemento para office podrás transformar tus documentos a formatos PDF y XPS.


Cómo levantar IIS en Windows Vista.

Un comentario

14 10 2012
dennis arias

gracias por los link mem

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